Astronomical Atlases

In stocks of Polish digital libraries there are as well quite a lot of publications connected with cosmos and astronomy (including De Revolutionibus orbium coelestium by Nicholas Copernicus), as many different kinds of maps and atlases. Astronomical atlases, a combination of both these types is usually really interesting. Among search results in the Digital Libraries Federation appears a quite considerable set of this type of objects – nearly all are historic old prints decorated with craftsmanlike graphics. Lots of them can be found in the National Digital Library POLONA – there are publications from 18th and 19th centuries: The solar system. Theory of the seasons, Latin Systema Mundi Tychonicum, Italian Planisferio celestemeridionale and German Sonnen-systemNext works from before centuries are available in the Digital Repository of Scientific Institutes – there are German astronomical atlases: Atlas zum Lehrbuch der kosmischen Physik and Vollständiger Himmels – Atlas für freunde und Liebhaber der Sternkunde. Single objects can be viewed also among others in: the Digital Library of University of Wrocław (Latin, 17th century Planispherium coeleste and Globi coelestis in tabulas planas redacti) and in Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library – Atlas novus coelestis

Atlas zum Lehrbuch
Atlas zum Lehrbuch
Globi coelestis
Globi coelestis
Atlas novus coelestis
Atlas novus coelestis
Planisferio celestemeridionale
Planisferio celestemeridionale
Planispherium coeleste
Planispherium coeleste
Sonnen system
Sonnen system
Systema Mundi Tychonicum
Systema Mundi Tychonicum
The solar system
The solar system
Vollstandiger himmels
Vollstandiger himmels
26 October 2016 /

autor: Redakcja portalu FBC

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