Installation instructions



  1. Download Clepsydra distribution package from our download site.
  2. Extract files from downloaded archive and navigate to clepsydra-storage directory.
    cd clepsydra-storage

PostgreSQL configuration

  1. Create a new database user and a new database owned by newly created user. A recommended name for database user and database name is clepsydra. If you want to use different name, remember to change DB_USER and DB_NAME properties in clepsydra-storage/clepsydra.conf.
  2. Set the user password property DB_PASS in clepsydra.conf.
  3. Create database schema using db/init.sql SQL script.

Apache Cassandra configuration

  1. Create a Cassandra keyspace (see

    If you are unsure which options to choose you may create the keyspace with one of the following system specific commands:

    Linux users:

    echo 'CREATE KEYSPACE YOUR_KEYSPACE_NAME WITH strategy_class = SimpleStrategy AND strategy_options:replication_factor = 1'|cqlsh -2

    Windows users:

    echo CREATE KEYSPACE YOUR_KEYSPACE_NAME WITH strategy_class = SimpleStrategy AND strategy_options:replication_factor = 1; | python "%CASSANDRA_HOME%/bin/cqlsh" -2
  2. Set the keyspace name property CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE in clepsydra.conf.
  3. Use the CQLsh tool (from Apache Cassandra distribution) and db/create_cf.cql script to create column family. Example usage:

    Linux users:

    $CASSANDRA_HOME/bin/cqlsh -2 -k YOUR_KEYSPACE_NAME -f db/create_cf.cql

    Windows users:

    python "%CASSANDRA_HOME%/bin/cqlsh" -2 -k YOUR_KEYSPACE_NAME -f db/create_cf.cql

    NOTICE: if you are not using the default cluster name ("Test Cluster") please change the CASSANDRA_CLUSTER property in clepsydra.conf.

Glassfish configuration

Create new Glassfish server domain using script. Please check if all properties in clepsydra.conf are filled and consistent with your databases configuration. Run the script:

sh $GLASSFISH_HOME clepsydra.conf

NOTICE for Windows users: to run this script on Windows system please use Cygwin with "zip" and "wget" packages installed. Please make sure that there are no spaces in your $GLASSFISH_HOME path.

Install application

Deploy clepsydra-storage.war on Glassfish server using, for example, command:

$GLASSFISH_HOME/bin/asadmin deploy cassandra-storage.war

Verify installation

Open any browser and get content of url http://localhost:8080/clepsydra-storage/rest/records. If an application has been successfully installed, you should get response from the server with empty record list. It should look similar to the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>