The latest stable release of Clepsydra is 1.7.2 (released on 2014-07-07). Clepsydra is available as binary tarballs or zip packages. You can also download only the application as a WAR package.
Release | Link | MD5 Checksum | SHA-1 Checksum |
Clepsydra Storage 1.7.2 (Binary tar.gz) | clepsydra-storage-1.7.2.tar.gz | clepsydra-storage-1.7.2.tar.gz.md5 | clepsydra-storage-1.7.2.tar.gz.sha1 |
Clepsydra Storage 1.7.2 (Binary zip) | | | |
Clepsydra Storage 1.7.2 (Application only - war) | clepsydra-storage-1.7.2.war | clepsydra-storage-1.7.2.war.md5 | clepsydra-storage-1.7.2.war.sha1 |
Clepsydra Storage 1.7.2 (Sources) | clepsydra-storage-1.7.2-sources.jar | clepsydra-storage-1.7.2-sources.jar.md5 | clepsydra-storage-1.7.2-sources.jar.sha1 |
All previous releases of Clepsydra can be found in the archives.