
The saying about look “straight from the journal” (journal – fr. journal) has its start in the first Polish fashion magazines from the beginning of the 20th century, presenting not only types of clothes, but also bourgeois lifestyle, habbies and popular social entertainments of gentility. The most appropriate in this case is the title of richly illustrated newspaper The theatre and elegant life published during 20s and 30s, available among others in the Mazovian Digital Library or the Jagiellonian Digital LibraryIn this case even advertising points on the magazine’s target audience – they are directed mainly to the well situated car owners and buyers, and to their ladies. Also in the Jagiellonian library we can find a contrasting, humoristic periodic Bocian (eng. Stork), which jokes about the wastrel’s life of the rich ones with a huge dose of irony and not so modest illustrations. Other interesting newspapers are shared by the National Digital Library POLONA, there are among others: one of the most popular monthly periodics for women Przegląd mody (eng. Fashion review); Świat pięknej pani (eng. The world of a beautiful lady) about literature, art, health and fashion or the ABC of Fashion – the monthly magazine about culture of clothing for ladies and gentleman. Whereas the Digital Library of Wielkopolska presents a magazine In front of the Mirror, which subject contains the newest trends in fashion and haircuts during 30s.

ABC of Fashion
ABC of Fashion
Bocian 1925
Bocian 1925
Bocian 1925
Bocian 1925
In front of the Mirror
In front of the Mirror
In front of the Mirror
In front of the Mirror
Fashion review
Fashion review
Fashion review
Fashion review
The World of a beautiful Lady
The World of a beautiful Lady
The Theatre and Elegant Life
The Theatre and Elegant Life
The Theatre and Elegant Life
The Theatre and Elegant Life
The Theatre and Elegant Life
The Theatre and Elegant Life
The Theatre and Elegant Life
The Theatre and Elegant Life
10 August 2016 /

autor: Redakcja portalu FBC

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