Tourist posters

Among many posters that can be found in stocks of libraries belonging to the Digital Libraries Federation, apart from the legendary ones from the Polish School of Posters, there are also some beautiful placards advertising domestic and offshore touristics. The greatest collection of that kind of graphics is available in the MCSU Digital Library – it contains as well the older, prewar, ornated posters that refer to the art deco or modernistic aesthetics, but also newer ones, printed during times of Polish People’s Republic. They encourage to visit certain countries (e.g. Latvia, Czechoslovakia) and cities (e.g. Cracow, Lvov, Budapest, Stockholm). We can find other kind of tourist posters in the Baltic Digital Library, they coax to visit specific regions of Poland (in this case, regarding the location of the library – northern areas) – amog others the Kashubian lake region or Gdansk lands. Another interesting posters can be found in the National Digital Museum in Warsaw, even more attractive because of the boost to visit spring health resorts and bathing companies which (as a type of entertainment) are nowadays becoming less and less popular: in Galician village Niemirów and in Swoszowice near Cracow.

Visit Czechoslovakia
Visit Czechoslovakia
Swoszowice health resort
Swoszowice health resort
Niemirów baths
Niemirów baths
Zapraszamy na Kaszuby
Kashubian lake region
Ziemia gdańska zaprasza
Gdansk lands
Pojezierze kaszubskie zaprasza
Kashubian lake region
11 January 2016 /

autor: Redakcja portalu FBC

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